關於我們 – TARIFA企業活動 – 我們創造非凡的企業活動




塔里法国际旅游有限公司, 成立于1999年,2005年开始会奖业务,是在波兰国家旅游局注册的专业会议组织机构(全波兰仅12家), 是波兰会议局认证的会奖旅游地接社及波兰旅游协会会员。我公司在华沙,克拉科夫和格但斯克设有分支机构,也是华沙会议局、格但斯克会议局、克拉科夫会议局成员。


TARIFA 专注于为公司、企业、政府机构提供专属旅行及会议服务,包括会议、推介会、新闻发布会定制、高端晚宴与招待会、商务考察、奖励旅游、体育锦标赛、会场预定、邀请函、团队房、团队机票、商务用车,包机、中文导游、翻译等一站式公司旅行服务。本公司业务范围覆盖波兰、捷克、匈牙利、奥地利、巴尔干、波罗的海、乌克兰、白罗斯等其它中东欧地区。








  1. 真正的波兰一手会奖地接社,深厚的政府及公司关系,快速对接商务活动
  2. 与多家知名酒店有长期合作,确保会场及大规模团组酒店房间快速预定
  3. 所有活动均为定制—专业的推广活动策划,完美契合的场地选择,惊艳的舞美设计,充满创意的团建活动,将满足您的所有期待
  4. 根据客户要求,快速出具邀请函(48小时内)
  5. 可提供高达二百万美元的旅游责任保险担保
  6. 根据客户要求,测评投资回报率(协助客户对推广活动效果进行测评及同期效益对比)
  7. 严格的操作流程,按 ISO 9001.2015标准执行
  8. 为每个活动专门指派协调员,无缝衔接您的旅行,酒店入住、用车、用餐无需等待


我們公司的每一次成功都歸功於每個團隊成員的出色團隊合作和個人投入。 我們的團隊由優秀 的人才組成,他們熱衷於創造非凡的活動。 了解我們的優勢,我們相互信任並相互支持。 我 們所做的一切都不僅僅是因為一個事件,而是因為塔里法 – 不僅僅是事件。

Monika Surdykowska

She was raised in the land of Polish lakes and finds herself in crisis situations with great ease. Whether it’s storm, lightening or unobstructed winds – she loves the challenges because through them she verifies her weaknesses and nurture the strengths.

While performing under pressure she never losses the wide, friendly smile. When calmer moments come (it is often the silence before the storm)  she takes out the guitar that keeps her company from the age of 6.

Iwona Majszyk
Creative Manager

Our company’s artist and visionary. Combination of aesthetic sensitivity and powerful imagination. Responsible for scenography and unpredictable stage events. Founder of cotton candy event installations and shipyard cranes dance. With scenery, light and sound she extends the event space into new areas of experience.

On the door of the creative office she hung up a note: “Do not stress me – I have a very gentle heart”. We appreciate the stubbornness and nurture her childish naivety. Privately she is the voice of Laboratorium Pieśni.

Alicja Gołąb

The most busy person in the company, both during the parties and privately. The fast pace and a very concrete approach towards life allows her to do what she loves the most – meet new people and travel around the world. She is passionate about exploring volcanic craters which makes us very proud and excited.

The only thing that can keep her in one place for longer than few minutes is either an outstanding psychological literature or a traffic jam on Spacerowa street.

Katarzyna Roszman
project Manager

Elegant and optimistic – she can sell an event like no one else despite any obstacles. She is well aware that her smile makes everybody around enthusiastic. She is a natural born organizer, who helps not only corporations but also her friends and family. Huge fan of oceanic cuisine. Asia expert and owner of our smallest team member Milka – her French bulldog.

Katarzyna Błocińska
Finance Director

The friendly soul of our office who takes care of the most imaginative ideas and makes sure they have a proper paper and financial support. She found her passion in the work behind the scenes of the event; therefore all the events can run smoothly and professionally.

Our special task whizz. When her help is needed she always comes back on the shield, never underneath it. Provided the company with the ISO certificate she even explained what is it about.

Maciej Wójcik

Captain of TARIFA, the man who led our team to the wide waters of the event world. Years of experience allowed him to get to know the industry from different perspective and thus create a clear and consistent plan for company’s development. The goal that motivates him is simple – to create the best event agency in Poland. Thanks to his involvement we truly believe that with each day we are getting closer to fulfill that dream.

Maciej is a person for whom nothing is impossible. Instead of asking “Can this be done?” he asks ”How can it be done?”.
